Electric Dragon

electric dragon 80000 volts

electric dragon 80000 volts

Words cannot begin to describe this film. A 55-minute hyperkinetic descent into electro-charged punk madness, set to an eardrum-shattering industrial punk/noise soundtrack, Electric Dragon 80,000 V transcends film to become an overwhelming, all-immersing experience. Just hope and pray that you still have all your brain cells after you emerge from it. read more: www.midnighteye.com reviews

see a trailer: on www.youtube.com

Electric Dragon 80,000 V (2001)
Director: Sogo ISHII
Cast: Tadanobu ASANO; Masatoshi NAGASE; and Masakatsu FUNAKI
Running time: 55 mins.

Originally posted: October 3rd, 2007 | 80000 reasons..., culture