£80,000 FONT RAID



In June 2006 Business Software Alliance (BSA) conducted a software audit of London’s Campden Publishing. They were found to be using unlicensed typefaces worth £80,000, the publishing firm had claimed to be using just one font but in fact was found using 11,000. It was discovered that 95 per cent of the Adobe software used by the company, and 75 per cent of the Microsoft software, was unlicensed.

“Many do not recognise that fonts are intellectual property just like any other kind of software and must be paid for, it is not a question of picking an choosing which software you manage.” said Julie Strawson of Monotype; a specialist in font auditing and management, who was brought in by Campden to do an audit on the firm’s typeface usage.

read more here: www.theregister.co.uk - unlicensed software shocker

Originally posted: October 9th, 2007 | 80000 reasons..., software, typography