Stephanie's poem

The small porcelain wings made by Ian Fleming for the Angel Chapel

The small porcelain wings made by Ian Fleming for the Angel Chapel

I'm currently completing work on the Angel's Chapel in Ss Peter & Paul's Church Balbriggan. It includes a 'book of names' in which the names of children and babies who have died will be recorded... Yesterday, after I woke up - inspired by my dreams, I wrote this poem for the frontispiece of the book.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 

You bring me to life….

Each breath you take … bring me to life

Every time you laugh … bring me to life 

Every time you weep … bring me to life

You are my flesh and blood….. 

Every time you think of me … bring me to life

You are my every day ….. you are all of my life

When you are here in this room … bring me to life

When you are on this sea shore, when you are in that forest glade

When you climb this hillside, when you walk along that river path

While you are washing those clothes, when you prepare that food

When those tears fall from your eyes … bring me to life

and when you bring me to life …..I am your hopes and dreams

When you bring me to life … spirit is there to comfort you

Share with me …..share my joy

My spirit sings with every seed that germinates

My spirit soars with every leaf that uncurls

My joy outpours with every bud that breaks forth

When you feel the sun's warmth caress … bring me to life

As you watch each rain droplet refresh earth's parched soil

Be they tears of joy or grief … bring me to life

Stephanie's poem 


Ian Fleming