
Over 30 years of Ian Fleming's arts practice, three discrete, but interrelated bodies of work have developed, offering insights into being human in our universe at a macro, micro, quantum and personal level.





Consists of 4 very different bodies of work in a total of 12 major series of artworks. They offer insights across the universal dimensions of space/time, exploring civilisation, change and being human. Aspects of the exploration are spiritual, symbolic, and mystic while others probe existence at macro, micro, and quantum levels.

A horizon line is always distant - beyond our reach, not unlike the sub-conscious elements of our lives, but through these artworks, perceptive intuition is focused on that borderline territory and beyond. 





Will the real Ian Fleming please stand up...

Establishing identity requires a suspension of disbelief, anything is possible, the canvas is blank, the infant is un-programmed. But who will we become? Within Ian Fleming’s arts practice he has elaborated on the use of multiple identities/avatars - developing 12 of them as an actual medium/artform a method of exploring identity. 

If this amazing level diversity can find acceptance inside one head …why not upon the larger scale globe on which we are all BeingHuman?

[  Residue + Loose-Ends  ]



Alongside these two long-term and very specifically crafted bodies of work, Ian’s arts practice has very many other facets. This Residue + Loose-Ends, all the other kinds of ArtyStuffStuff includes large-scale commissions, international collaborations, cross-community and conflict transformation projects, workshops, arts festivals, culture night, awards, arts development activities, etc., etc. 

...and more generally it also contains the type of on-going drawing and painting ‘habits' that most artists enjoy.